Sunday, March 03, 2013

Seattle Gears Up for Dunkelzahn Rally
Great Dragon's Presidential Aspirations Give Hope to Some, Fear to Others
March 25th, 2057
Seattle, UCAS: Swarms of Dunkelzahn campaign workers and volunteers descended on the Seattle Metroplex Convention Center today to begin preparations for next Saturday's election rally.  Banners with the Stars and Leaves are being strung across the open areas, and massive banquet tables are being rolled out for what promises to be the most unique political rally in Seattle history.  Unique, not just because the candidate is a massive paranormal animal straight out of legend, but also because candidate Dunkelzahn is not fundraising, as his many opponents are;  in fact, he's doing just the opposite.  Where other candidates charge high prices for admission and meals in order to raise campaign funds, the dragon's fully caterered rally is free and open to the public.

Tanya Friedman, Chairperson for the Seattle chapter of the Committee to Elect Dunkelzahn, tells NEWSFAX that what looks like a cheap populist stunt or political bribery is actually anything but. 

"Well, for one thing, there's no fundraiser because I don't think he really needs to raise funds.  I mean, he's a great dragon; he's got money, why should he make his supporters pay for him?  At the same time, he knows that his nature, being a dragon I mean, is disconcerting to some voters who aren't familiar with his kind.  The rally is open and free because Dunkelzahn wants to meet the people, the average UCAS citizen, and he wants them to meet him.  As for the food, you can't expect to hold a five-day rally for however many thousands of people and not feed them!"

Many of those "disconcerted" with the dragon's nature are planning massive protests of the rally.  Several local policlubs and citizen's groups, as well as supporters of various political opponents have announced their intention to surround the entrances to the convention center in protest to what one Brackhaven supporter called "the beast tempting fools into his maw."  In a strange twist, however, Dunkelzahn has apparently insisted that protestors are also welcome to attend his rally and partake of the free food, provided they are nonviolent and nondisruptive while inside.  Friedman explains the unusual policy thus: 

"Candidate Dunkelzahn believes in democracy and freedom of speech, and more to the point, believes in a diversity of dialog.  His detractors have every right to hold their opinions, and to argue them.  In fact, we'd love to have them come to the rally and add calm, rational voices to the many discussions and and townhall meetings.  A Dunkelzahn presidency is not one in which the opposition is silenced; we, all of us in the Dunkelzahn Independent Party, believe that all voices should be heard.  That said, the Big D is paying for this particular rally, so if any of the oppositional voices start screaming over everyone else, they will be asked to leave the premises and return to the outside protest."

With the free admission, free food, and chance to personally meet the great dragon himself, rally organizers estimate that upwards of a million people from the Metroplex will attend the rally.  In order to keep within fire code, campaign security will only be allowing the recommended maximum number of people in the building at any one time, so many will be turned away each day.  Organizers are now saying that attendees other than staff and special guests will only be allowed on one of the five days of the rally in order to let as many people meet the dragon as possible.  This will likely be a large number of people, because the Convention Center will be open around the clock, with Dunkelzahn apparently planning to be awake and available to the public throughout the rally, with the exception of several pre-planned absences to attend various meetings and deal with what the campaign calls "personal issues."

Dunkelzahn will begin the rally next Saturday with an opening speech and townhall meeting, and will be in attendance until seven o'clock.  He is scheduled to return to the Center at nine, and continue talking with the public until six o'clock on the following Tuesday.  A full schedule of the rally activities and Dunkelzahn's planned absences can be found at the Dunkelzahn for President campaign host at LTG: SEA10982.


Corvalis said...

Wait...If it's 24 hours and there's free food, won't the homeless just go live there for five days?

Horizontal Wall said...

The place is going to have Dunkelzahn's hired security, his secret service detail, and a multi-ton magical death machine that can speak directly to the minds of those in attendance: I'm sure they can figure out who's not supposed to be there when they need to.

Laramie993 said...

Great. Even frackin' wizworms are willing to buy votes with free food. I thought a "great" dragon would be above pandering to the proletariat with bread and circuses. Frankly, we should expect more from our elected leaders.

DC Insider said...

Well, this is pretty obviously a political ploy, disclaimers to the contrary. I must say, though, it's a pretty darned good political ploy. In one swoop, Dunkelzahn gets to be rich, generous, and populist all at once.

I'd respect it more if the spokesperson admitted the blatant pandering of the occasion, but I see this as leading to a huge popularity boost for the dragon.

Framingham said...

Anyone know what sort of security screenings are going to be in place? I imagine at the very least there'll be a credstick reader--ostensibly to keep track of who's already been there, but conveniently helps to keep the SINless rabble away.

Jack said...

Well, duh. The SINless rabble can't vote. Why would anyone listen to them, let alone feed them?

Horizontal Wall said...

SINless are being let in, but with special restrictions. When they come in, they are presented with a convention ID card that is conveniently numbered and has an RIFD in it. Ostensibly this is to make sure they leave eventually to let others in, but you can spout your own conspiracy theories.