The New Century Party: Technocrats Turned Magocrats?
March 1st, 2057
Washington FDC, UCAS: In the midst of this tumultuous election, many UCAS voters are casting a critical eye towards the New Century Party and wondering, are these the Technocrats of my youth?
On the surface, the majority of members of the party are Technocrats that appear to have jumped ship after the the Tech party leader, former President Thomas Steele rigged the 2056 election, but there's more going on than that. Those former Technocrats claim that they saw the rigged election as the final proof that the party that promised to move the UCAS into a future of technological innovation and economic strength has become as old and corrupt as the Democrat and Republican parties from which it was originally formed back in 2040. Moreover, they say, the purely technological promise of the the Technocrat party ignores the terrible fact that the UCAS, unlike many of its North American Neighbors, has failed to truly integrate the power of magic into its governance. That's where Dr. Rozalyn Hernandez, controversial social scientist and mage, and her Illuminates of the New Dawn come in.
Hernandez has been on the board at Georgetown University for the past fourteen years, and her theories on social development, technomagic and progress through innovation have met with acclaim and criticism throughout her career, and many have accused her of being a "guru" to her academic adherents. Dr. Hernandez stands by her theory that (meta)humankind can achieve a utopian society through technological and magical development. In the speech announcing her candidacy, she summed up her opinion in the following words: "Our technology isn't doing enough. Magic isn't doing enough. Neither of them has lived up to what they could be. We need to take back the reins of power and guide the world into the new era. Magic and technology working together can show us the new directions that our nation needs to take; this way, we can fulfill the promise of the twenty-first century."
Of course, Dr. Hernandez knows all about the workings of magic. She is a high-grade initiate mage and a member of the magical group known as the Illuminates of the New Dawn. The Illuminates claim to see the "Awakening" as a sign of a new era in human development. They say that they believe that the forces of magic and science must be reconciled in order to advance the (meta)human cause. Of course, virtually every member of the IOND is also a member of the New Century Party, and these hip, progressive mages have succeeded in bringing younger, disillusioned members of the Technocrat party under the New Century banner. Focusing only on progress at the expense of tradition, the New Century Party is heavily pushing the idea that magic is the key to the future of UCAS governance; an idea that appeals to young people enamored of magic and disconnected from the traditions of our American heritage.
With all that said, the voter must ask himself, is this really what I want? Young voters propelling a female demagogue wielding unknowable powers and a fervent desire to re imagine our society as one that "integrates magic into governance?" "Dr." Rozalyn Hernandez hails from the elitist halls of academia and the secretive halls of a magical order that goes so far as to call itself the "illuminates." For all her talk about solving issues through research and the application of technology and magic, it is fairly clear that her agenda, and that of the Illuminates of the New Dawn is to replace the venerable Technocrats with a new form of Magocrats. A "New Century" where ordinary humans answer to their magical and academic "betters," and magic users a placed to take the reigns of our once great nation.
Magic is Wiz!
Karl Kombatmage for PRez!@!!
What upsets me is the way in which NEWSFAX represents magic as some sort of terrible thing. Wake up UCAS! Magic has been part of our world for fifty years! The old USA is never coming back! Accept that technology alone cannot sustain us! We must begin to see magic as a beneficial force of nature and not a frightening conspiracy!
You shut your neodyke mouth, redskin lover. If it weren't for your damn injun magic, America would still be on top! Ain't no Azzie named elitist gonna be president. America is coming back, because General Yeats is gonna lead the Republicans to victory over the metas, the mages, the CAS, and the NAN. Clean the freaks out of Chicago, then North America!
Dr. Hernandez is a fraud! While magic may have awakened some meta-humans, this does not mean that they are superior to humans. Do some of us have greater talents or powers than humans? Yes. But there have always been those who are more stronger, smarter, and more attractive than others since the beginning of time but that does NOT make them better; rather it makes them unique. Dr. Hernandez believes that magic can be studied and learned and improved upon by going to University, but what she fails to recognize is that magic comes from within and comes from something greater than us. In order for us to truly make advancements, technology and magic must work in harmony.
And as for you Football, if we are such freaks, why do you hide behind your message posts? Come say that to our faces. Oh wait, I know why, it's because you're an unenlightened, unawakened paramecium of a human being. Quit hating on that which you do not understand and begin to accept others for who they are. You sound no better than Hitler did back in the 1930s and '40s. Oh wait, you wouldn't get that reference due to your ignorance of the past.
So, question: Exactly how could magic be used to "aid governance?" I mean, when the T-Crats split off from the Repubs and Dems, they did it because they wanted to push systems like GridGuide (which honestly, is seriously wiz), and RemoteVote (which, turns out, not so great according to the 2056 election). What I want to know is, how is magic going to be used to improve the lives of UCASers in a way that benefits mundanes and mojoslingers?
Oh my Ghost, people. Rozalyn Hernandez is not a "magocrat." She's an initiated mage with a PHD in sociology: ergo, she is an expert at the needs of both humanity and the workings of magic. Her ideas are revolutionary only in that they push for further education and utilization of magic in the UCAS, rather than the stone-age fear and ignorance of the Discipline that most UCAS mundanes cling to.
She's also for technological progress at all costs; that's why so many Technocrats joined NCP. The Technocrat party started as the way forward, but now they're just pawns of the zaibatsu. T-Crats that saw that the party had lost its way saw that NCP was bringing tech and magic together: The New Century Party is the new way forward.
Hernandez has about a snail's chance in a French restaurant to win this election, considering the competition. She's actually a pretty sharp lady and wouldn't do worse than most as POTUCAS, but no way will she sit in the big seat.
That being said, watch for the NAC to pick up some seats in Congress. A lot of Techs are feeling betrayed, so Tech-favorite districts like Mass 8th, Delaware 3rd, and Quebec 14th have a good chance of flipping. I would even bet that they pick up at least two Senate seats in Mass and Ontario, and even Michigan might be in play, with the hot new future party leader Candyce Holloway getting pretty good polling.
Hernandez is an excellent candidate with a compelling platform, a tremendous resume, unparalleled education, and a snowball's chance in hell of sitting in the oval. She might be great in a live event but she does not glow on the trid.
This is the UCAS's biggest popularity contest and the nerd does not ever win that game. She's as likely to shake up Washington as people are to vote for a dragon.
Everyone loves a sideshow, but longshot doesn't begin to describe some of our contenders.
Ugh. Obviously I meant the NCP up there, not the NAC. The NAC, or Novo Atlantis Cooperative, is a crazy elf-wannabe party that's been sending out flyers across the country complaining about how their people aren't allowed to be in the debates. Despite the fact that they are polling at the same rate as my cat.
Do not confuse these people with the New Century Party, which at least pulls in over 10%. Campaign season fries my brain a little.
Remember that little DNA sample you gave when you last renewed your drivers license? Or the blood that got drawn the last time Lone Star arrested you? Know what mages can do to you with that? Now, imagine a government full of mages--fancy pants mages with PhDs, even--and what they might dream up doing with it. No thank you very much. I'll stick with a government that's content to frag me over with old-fashioned technology, thank you very much. They might kill me, or melt my brain, but at least I'll be aware of it when it happens.
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