Thursday, August 13, 2009

High School Students Protest Brackhaven Speech

February 13th, 2057

Winnipeg, Manitoba: High school students at Martin Mulroney High School left classes and picketed a planned speech by Archconservative candidate Kenneth Brackhaven. The students, some eleven hundred of them, formed a crowd outside the Mulroney High gymnasium, blocking the entrance, and carrying signs that read "Hope not Hatred," and "No White Hoods in the White House."

The protest, in all likelihood organized by the teachers at Martin Mulroney (though they claim otherwise), refused to disperse and allow Brackhaven and his staff entrance to the gymnasium podium. Martin Mulroney Principal Deborah Eggers, who requested that Brackhaven come and deliver a speech at the school, attempted to break up the crowds with threats of suspensions, but the crowd was unswayed. Instead, many accused Eggers of being a Humanis Policlub member, and cowing to Brackhaven's so-called "racist" agenda.

"This is not entirely unexpected," Brackhaven told NewsFax. "Those who cannot do, teach. Saddly, that axiom is more true now than ever. In today's competitive world, where honest, lucrative positions are available to all citizens with the drive to make something of themselves, only the purely socialistic nature of the UCAS public education system rewards intellectual laziness and radical left-wing and non-human politics. Thus, these radical fringe members of our society, filled with leftist hatred for honest religion, normality, and hard, honest work, are given jobs as teachers and allowed to survive on the teat of government handouts, while simultaneously polluting the hearts of our children with dangerous ideas. This is why I say a fully privatized education system is needed to ensure that only those worthy to cut it in today's world are involved with education."
Kenneth Brackhaven was born in 2011. His mother died of complications as a result of his birth. His father, Charles Brackhaven, lavished his son with every luxury, while casting a critical eye on his son as unworthy of the "sacrifice" made by his mother. Kenneth Brackhaven went to Pacific State University, graduating with a bachelor's degree in marketing. He earned his MBA at the Harvard Business School, then went to work in the family investments business. When Charles passed away in 2044, Kenneth Brackhaven stepped up to take over the family business. He invested many resources into politics, through his fundraising and lobbying organization the Citizen's Coalition for Security (CCFS), and became a powerful voice on many political issues, particularly those in which the government unduly burdened ordinary UCAS citizens with unnecessary legislation and taxation purely to benefit non-normative fringe groups. This political influence culminated in his current bid for UCAS president.


Jack said...

Alright, slots. This story seemed fascist even for NewsFax, so I did a little digging. Turns out the article was written by one Bill Donahoe, whose wife Amy was just offered a real nice contract as VP of a certain securities trader. Three guesses which one, and the first two don't count.

Arya said...

Figures you LIEbrals would smear a good reporter to spread lies about the only candidate to fight back against the discrimination against normal people. This just shows the lies & half truths that so typifies leftist nonsense. Your claim of encouraging ‘tolerance’ is laughable.
Defaming patriots, like Donahoe, demonstrates quite clearly the hypocrital and intolerant nature of organizations like yours.
I pray you people will wake up.

Jack said...

Sideout, did you let your mom on the computer again?

The Colonel said...

There is no way I can even begin to explain to any of you just how terribly fragged up a thing this article is actually addressing.

Sideout said...

You race traitors can twitch and spaz as much as you want, but Brackhaven is dead right about public schools. I went to poor public schools, and I can tell you they do anything to frak over real people in the name of "equality" with metahumans. Basically, because trogs are all retarded, they try to push us down to their level.

Forensia said...

I think the Colonel has a point here. Check that last bit

"This is why I say a fully privatized education system is needed to ensure that only those worthy to cut it in today's world are involved with education."

Does that mean teachers or students? Or both? Private education for those who "cut it" seems to mean "no education for the poor."

quzmal said...

Don't worry, the poor gonna get an education. Just not from books, and not the kind you get a comfy job with.

The Colonel said...

Forensia: You're totally right...though, that's really not what I was talking about. If you want a harrowing couple nights' reading, do a little (very careful) digging into the Brackhaven family and particularly little Kenny ages 0-12. There are some pretty amazing skeletons in that closet...and it shouldn't take too much looking these days to dig them up.

Thesaurus Rex said...

Sideout: Please illuminate us regarding the ways in which your education was adversely affected by the presence and enlightenment of your metahuman classmates. Be specific.

Sideout said...

Fool. The whole education system has lower standards because orks and trolls are so stupid that, in order to promote an "equality" that isn't really there, they keep the standards massively lower than in other countries (or in this country before the liberal crybabies started their pathetic whining). So, as a product of the private school system, I was frakked over from the beginning, simply because orks and trolls brought down all standards by which I was taught. We've made a country of fools, just so we can claim that trogs and child-molesters that time forgot our as good as we are.

Sideout said...

And shut your trog mouth, I meant public, not private school. I made a simple mistake, so don't go claiming I'm the stupid one. The facts remain:
Orks and Trolls are not smart enough to be the equal of real humans.
Dwarves are not tall or sane enough to be the equal of real humans.
Elves are unnatural and evil and not the equal of real humans.
Any belief system that starts with an idea of equality is wrong, and any program that starts with that belief system is against real humans. So, thus, it's evil.

Thesaurus Rex said...

Sideout, I must admit, you did successfully anticipate my commenting on your confusing and contradictory educational past. That said, the fervor of your protestations causes me to speculate as to whether that may have been a Freudian slip rather than, as you claim, a "simple mistake."

Fear not, however. Your repeated posts succeed admirably at demonstrating your ignorance and lack of intellectual acuity (though you do show remarkable mental flexibility, as many of your opinions are clearly quite twisted) without any need for me to make suppositions based on your inconsistent adjectives.

Which, in a way, may serve your sinister purpose, as I must admit that I have my doubts as to the efficacy of any public (or private) school system which might produce an intolerable bigot such as yourself.

Sideout said...

Typical liberal. Ad hominem attacks with no attention to the ISSUES that I presented.

Call me a bigot, that's fine. I'm still right, and you can't touch the truth.

Thesaurus Rex said...

Sideout: Alright, I'll engage you. Allow me to pose a question: do you deny that humans are occasionally born with below-average intelligence? That is, are there, or are there not, naturally stupid humans?

Thesaurus Rex said...

While I bridle at your sloppy use of the term "quod erat demonstrandum," I choose to overlook it as I am attempting to allow you to dig your own hole, rather than digging it for you.

Even if we assume, arguendo, that your unsupported assertions as to the relative intellect of goblinized metahumans are in fact accurate, wouldn't the most universally beneficial solution be race-blind aptitude testing and commensurate education placement?

I will also risk a tangent, and ponder aloud how it is that a shortness of stature (referring to your earlier comment re: dwarves) makes a person somehow less capable or valuable than those of a taller build? If that is true, might not the sheer height of the average troll make up for any imagined mental shortcomings? I would also like to see some basis for your assertion that dwarves are, on average, less mentally stable than humans, as my experience has been rather to the contrary.

Sideout said...

Dwarves' stunted growth prevents them from using normal stuff: homes, cars, anything really. Trolls suffer the same problem from being huge and hideous. They are, by their degenerate nature, handicapped as a race. This causes proven psychosis and child-fetishism in all dwarves. Not all give in, sure, but they're all sexually aroused by human children, and published scientific journals have proven it.

And the education system is fracked. They don't test and sort, they lump everyone together, trogs and real people, call it "necessary diversity," and lower the standards across the board so trogs don't fall behind and prove their own inferiority.

Thesaurus Rex said...

Sideout, do please post or link to these scientific journals. The safety of my offspring is of utmost importance to me.

As to your ongoing educational concerns, let me rephrase my query: given the premise that some portion of all metahuman races are certainly born with sub-normal intellects, what would be your proposed solution? Do you believe that aptitude testing and associated educational placements would allay your concerns? If not, why not? If so, why do you rail so against the goblinized when you could instead seek solutions that address your underlying concern, which seems to be a dim view on the inter-socialization of the less-intelligent?