Yucatan Rebels Attack Aztlan Medical Convoy

February 3rd, 2057
Oaxaca, Aztlan: Violence in the Yucatan today as the Yucatan insurgents attacked an Aztlan medical aid convoy en route to Tepich. The convoy, consisting of unarmored and undefended trucks and ambulances, was bringing necessary medications and vaccines to the underprivileged of the peninsula when the insurgents attacked. Roadside explosives and spirits were used to disable the convoy in the deep jungle. Insurgents then stormed the ambulances, shooting unarmed civilian doctors and volunteer nurses.
After stealing numerous vehicles, as well as vaccines and medicines that will be kept for the insurgency, and out of the hands of the besieged citizens of the region, the rebels covered their tracks by bathing the entire area in napalm. The resulting forest fire is still burning, threating the farms and livelihoods of local farmers. The burned bodies of twenty-four volunteer medical staff have so far been identified. Several of the convoy medical staff is, as yet, unaccounted for, and it is believed that they may have been taken to insurgent breeding camps.
Aztlan military officials condemned the attack and the barbaric tactics utilized by the militant Yucatan minority, giving this statement to NewsFax: "Aztlan will not allow such horrific and inhuman attacks within its borders. The Yucatan murderers will be brought to justice. We will use any means neccesary to stop the senseless killing of innocent people by this maladjusted group of sociopaths."
After stealing numerous vehicles, as well as vaccines and medicines that will be kept for the insurgency, and out of the hands of the besieged citizens of the region, the rebels covered their tracks by bathing the entire area in napalm. The resulting forest fire is still burning, threating the farms and livelihoods of local farmers. The burned bodies of twenty-four volunteer medical staff have so far been identified. Several of the convoy medical staff is, as yet, unaccounted for, and it is believed that they may have been taken to insurgent breeding camps.
Aztlan military officials condemned the attack and the barbaric tactics utilized by the militant Yucatan minority, giving this statement to NewsFax: "Aztlan will not allow such horrific and inhuman attacks within its borders. The Yucatan murderers will be brought to justice. We will use any means neccesary to stop the senseless killing of innocent people by this maladjusted group of sociopaths."
Lord, watch over those good people who seek to free their own land from the grips of evil undead monstrosities. While we mourn the loss of life which was necessary, we also recognize that it would not happen were it not within your plan, Lord God. Thy will be done, Lord Savior. Amen.
This story makes me physically ill. I saw footage of this "attack". The "doctors", if they were medical personnel, were wearing combat armor and carrying heavy weaponry. Carrying vaccine? I didn't know vaccine came in the shape of tanks these days. This was no medical convoy, it was a bloody invasion force. And the planes dropping the napalm quite clearly had the Aztechnology logo painted on the side.
By the way, there actually was a medical convoy attacked by an army in the Yucatan recently. I have a Azzie bullet that used to be in my arm to prove it.
Whatever. What you dumbasses aren't realizing is that the rebels aren't real people, they're indians. Basically, Aztlan is having its own Ghost Dance war, and unlike the US, they're actually winning. I say good on'em. 'Course it sorta serves them right for siding with the 'juns back in the war.
Anyone who believes this drek is, well, is a complete fraggin' idiot. Aztlan ain't dumb enough to send anything into the Yucatan that's not encased in body armor and escorted by tanks. Doesn't mean that it wasn't a medical convoy, Mr. Wagon. Whatever it was, it certainly wasn't an invasion force, since Aztlan already controls most of the peninsula. As for the markings on the plane, those weren't Aztechnology markings, drek-head, those were Aztlan Naval Air Corps markings and why are you so indignant that Aztlan dropped napalm on your beloved rebels? Its a war, what do you expect them to do? Don't want to deal with a war? Don't fraggin' start a rebellion, poser.
I'm going to take up soccer.
I cannot believe that anyone would do something this cruel. There is nothing more noble than a doctor. It is a shame that there are still those capable of such acts of ignorance and violence. I hope these terrorists are brought to justice!
The only accurate word printed in that report was "inhuman". The enslavement on the other side of the hill is always greener.
There's just been a rise lately in Politico-corporate control everywhere, it seems.
I know "it's the 21st century, the century of politico-corporate control." Still this bad even for our currently degrading times. Couple this with the Tir Tangir downward pressure (no rite this year...)
it's worse than the '20s, and that's saying a lot.
Errr, we did mess with Texas. We came in, we freed the Azatlaner population of Southern Texas from racist oppression, and, when we were tired of killing dipslag Texans who thought that a combination of white skin, a right to bear arms, and a couple extra chromosomes made them super-soldiers, we what remained of Texas slink back to the CSA with their tail between their legs.
I have never seen a bloodier or more justified slaughter than the Battle of San Antonio. The chance to do it again is about the only reason I can ever contemplate going back into the regular army.
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