Friday, May 26, 2006

Major Candidates Settled

The major candidates have announced their running mates and the race for UCAS president is officially in full swing. Some surprising choices have been made on just about all sides of this conflict, with a staggering three metahumans involved in the race for the White House.

Current front runner, Republican General Franklin Yeats, has surprised just about everyone in his party and out by selecting his long time friend Anne Penchyk. Penchyk, who has served two terms as a UCAS representative from Wisconsin, is a successful self-made business woman, a lifetime Republican, and an outspoken advocate for tough action in the Chicago Containment Zone. All of these facts endear her to Republicans the world over, but the fact that she is both a woman and an ork has caused a considerable amount of controversy. At the same time that her selection has pushed some Repbulicans towards the Archconservative party, a fair number of metahumans and those who typically vote for a the most meta-friendly candidate are flocking to Yeats's "Rebuild America" platform. Penchyk, for her own part, is a strong and outspoken woman, feared in the UCAS House for her willfullness and her fearsome oration skills.

One World Democrat Arthur Vogel has made another surprising choice by selecting Gary Grey, a troll eagle shaman, to run as his VP. Grey is a staunch environmentalist who has been active in the Audubon Society and Sierra Incorperated, along with a handful of other environmental preservation groups. His inclusion makes him both the first troll and the first shaman of any kind to enter into a presidential race. Grey is a powerful speaker, capable of wooing a crowd in mere seconds with his deep resonant voice. He's also fiercely patriotic, equating his eagle totem with the symbolic bird of the United Canadian American States. This reverance with which he speaks for both Eagle and the UCAS seems to have strong pull with many voters. The fact that this presidential ticket is made up of the two least populous metahuman types (aside from metavariants) places many metahuman and metahuman sympathy voters behind Vogel's Democratic One World platform, even with some more conservative voters pulling for Yeats and Penchyk. It is unknown at this time if Grey's shamanism will split the small but vocal Awakened vote between the Democrats and the New Century Partry.

ArchConservative candidate Kenneth Brackhaven has selected hard-right Republican William Ager as his running mate. A former corporate resource adjsuter for Fuchi North America's UCAS division, Ager has a reputation for backing strong conservative legislation in the UCAS government. With his rather cutthroat corporate know-how and Brackhaven's business accumen, the ArchCons have created a ticket that has real potential to cut into the legislature and create real change. Ager is a vocal opponent of the current "welfare state", and proposes cutting taxes accross the board by removing "needless and malfuctioning attempts at social engineering" such as the Equality in Education Act, and the Welfare-to-Work Program. Voters are flocking to the Brackhaven/Ager ticket after both candidates have had the will to speak directly to the needs of the vast majority of the UCAS population without caving to the demands for special treatment from fringe minorities.

Professor Rosalyn Hernandez of the New Century Party is powerful initiated mage and reknowned (and often controversial) social scientist from Georgetown University, so her choice of Ramsay McCulkin, famed trid and simsense actor, might seem strange at first. McCulkin was one of the first screen/trid actors to really make the transition to sim in the early days of that medium. Known for giving "good X" (excellent emotive track), McCulkin has starred in such memorable sims as Friday the 13th: Feel the Terror, Life of the Hero, A Soldier's Tears, and Who's in Charge Here? As such, many UCASers feel that they not only know McCulkin, but that they've been him. Putting the mundane face on the NCP's platform of utilizing magic and technology to unlock the untapped promise of the Awakening, McCulkin has already announced plans to record his life on the campaign trail through his implanted simrig, and distribute the sim on the campaign matrix host. "We're the only party really trying to change things for the better," McCulkin told NEWSFAX. "I'm hoping the sim recordings help people understand what we're about, and what we can do to change the future for the better".

Former Vice President James Booth has selected Brandon Ekimatsu, a corporate golden boy from Mitsuhama Computer Technologies. A staunch technocrat, Ekimatsu is a political moderate focused almost exclusively on any legislation that benefits the economy. Though many accuse Ekimatsu of only pushing legislation that benefits corporations, Ekimatsu refuses to defend himself against such claims, stating repeatedly that "these corporations are not the enemy of government, they are not the enemy of the UCAS people. It is on the backs of these very corporations that our economy balances. Why is it that we should not attempt to aid them in aiding our economy? Has the UCAS become so jaded against a hard day's work that we wish to destroy the largest employers of our own citizens?".

With the race all but settled for these parties, the true campaigning is now underway. While Yeats leads the preliminary polls, there can really be no determining this early in such an unconventional and short election. The future of the UCAS is for the first time in a long time, truly up in the air.


Anonymous said...

Have you seen Vogel standing on the stage with Grey? I tell you, it is Hi-fraggin'-larious. Grey is tall for a troll and Vogel's what? 4'1"? They have to use different podiums, it's perfect. Since nobody we vote for will do anything but pander to corps, we should totally vote for these guys. A funny white house is better than the alternative.

Anonymous said...

The coprorators are seriously worried about Vogel, he's a mean green machine. If he takes over, the megas are going to get a run for their money.

Anonymous said...

You people just infuriate me. The corporations ARE the economy. Any president who's against them is for a penniless welfare state. What, you feel so sorry for the homeless trogs that don't wanna work that you wanna join them in the gutter? Brilliant, vote for the child molester/retard ticket. Yeats has sold out everyone by paring up with Penchyk, he can't speak for America when he has an ork by his side. The race is really down to Brackhaven.

Anonymous said...

How are orks unamerican? I served with a bunch of orks in the marines, so did General Yeats. Some of the best guys we've got. Man, you have got your racism/jingoism/andi-amerind rhetoric confused. Sure some orks ain't real bright. Some humans ain't that bright. Penchyk is a real savvy lady, smarter than me, and smarter than you I'd wager. You should calm down and have a spliff and rethink you're hatred, man.

Anonymous said...

What, no one else caught this gem?

Voters are flocking to the Brackhaven/Ager ticket after both candidates have had the will to speak directly to the needs of the vast majority of the UCAS population without caving to the demands for special treatment from fringe minorities.

Hey, sideout, I didn't know you worked for NewsFax. Seriously, is this what passes for unbiased journalism these days? This sort of blatant racist jingoism makes me sick.

Anonymous said...

What, it suprise you that the mega-owned NewsFax would possibly have anti-meta leanings?? The fraggin' horror!

Anonymous said...

Booth should be shamed to even think about putting himself forward after his involvement in such a scandal. The only honorable thing for him to do would be to step down and allow the party to run someone else. His actions have brought humiliation upon all of us Technocrats for years to come. If he worked for my company, he would have been asked to commit seppuku for his dishonor. That he has not yet done so just shows that he is no better than a SINless peasant.

Anonymous said...

Penchyk is the perfect choice. I'm real glad Yeats chose her. While he speaks to foreign affairs and rebuilding America we have a strong voice for domestic policy who's seen what it's like to be both a woman and a meta in our society, but doesn't just sit around crying foul about it. If half the orks in the UCAS had Penchyk's attitude, they'd rule the country.

Anonymous said...

Trogs running the country.... Nice nightmare cowtipper. The fact is that they're both too lazy to work, and two stupid to figure out that not working frags them over. The only reason they haven't died out from starvation, accidental self-shootings, and botched criminal enterprise, is our current welfare state handing our tax money out to hand feed them. Fix the welfare state, and all the trogs will fraggin' die.

Anonymous said...

Just keep pumping out those cute little human babies and I'll eat just fine, thank you.