Friday, April 07, 2006

Republicans back Yeats

In response to pro-tem president Pritchard's announcement of the shortened election run, the Republican National Comittee called an emergency meeting yesterday to decide whether or not to back last year's presidential candidate Governor Alan Tate of Minnesota for this year's repeat election. Speculation ran high as the Republican party leadership cloistered itself away from prying eyes in order to render their decision. Some believed that Governor Tate would once again recieve the nomination and a second chance to run. Other's believed that pro-tem president Betty Jo Pritchard, the speaker for the house (R-Ont) now sitting in the oval office, would be pushed forward as the Republican nominee due to her no-nonsense attitude and demonstrations of ability shown during her time as pro-tem president.
After Tate's "hard question" foible during last year's election campaign, the it appeared that the Technocrats were able to waltz their way to an easy win. Thought the election proved to be rigged, many Republicans expressed extreme doubt in Tate's ability to recover from that particular mishap even during this second election.
Pro-tem President Pritchard on the other hand, seems to have her hands full with the office thrust upon her, and the ongoing effect that the impeachment process has had on an already unruly congress. When asked if she would pursue the 2057 ticket, President Pritchard had this to say:
"I have never run for President, I have never had any intention of running for President. What I do now, I do because it's my job as Speaker. If the party leadership wants to nominate me... Well, we'll see."
Of course all of the speculation wrapped up at around 12:45 when the Republican party leadership held a press conference in Washington FDC. In a bold move, they announced thier full backing of retired UCAS Army General Franklin Yeats. A career soldier, and former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Yeats has historically been a vocal proponent of ending the decades long series of military cutbacks initiated by congress. In stark contrast to the public's perception of Governor Tate as a man afraid of decisions, Yeats has already come across as a strong steady voice for the Republican party. At his acceptance of the nomination, Yeats had this to say:
"If we want the United Canadian and American States to survive, we have to elect leaders who care about something beyond their own personal ambitions. We have to elect leaders who love this country, who want to see it strong again, and who aren't afraid to make personal sacrifieces to serve the nation's good. I love this country, and I am willing to shoulder the burden of leading it down the difficult road to renewal."
While that statement can be seen as directed towards the Chicago containment zone, many fear a more dire meaning behind his words. His nomination has many believing that the Republicans have chosen to fully support a reformationist agenda. Politicos in the CAS, CalFree, and the NAN (especially the Sioux Nation) are already decrying Yeats as a warmonger. While he has made no official statements regarding the forced reconcilliation with former members of the old United States since the nomination, he has been vocal about reformation in the past As of yet, General Yeats has not picked a running mate.


Anonymous said...

Hey UCAS, looks like you've got yourself a bonafide, certified military strongman running for dictator, err President. Have Fun!

Anonymous said...

Yeats is from Chicago. Hell, he barely missed the C-zone going up. If anyone is going to be gung ho about fixing the Chicago problem, it's him. All this talk about war mongering is stupid. He's just pissed off and ready to take names and kick ass. More power to him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

There needs to be proper thought and planning before doing something drastic. Like slingin' fragging nukes around... again. The UCAS needs someone who will make sure they are doing the right thing instead of just doing something. Remember that it only takes a moment to make a monumental mistake.

Anonymous said...

There's only one thing that can be done about Chicago: nuke it off the face of the planet. The question is wheter or not it's worth the effort to get the few remaining people out first.

Anonymous said...

Thank you whizcheese for providing such a perfect example of people who should not have power.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you have a better solution? I'd love to hear it.

Anonymous said...

Natalie Gerber is also a drek hot MILF of the first order. Look hard enough and you can find some, er, compromising vids of her from college. Trust me, they're worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I can vote! Heck, I voted twelve times in the last election . . .

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think keeping Chicago the way it is is probably the best course of action; the bugs aren't getting out, there's not much point to ever getting the people inside out since it's 6-5 and pick 'em they're bugs, and it's great for biz in the state it's in right now; there's a whole lotta cred to be made. Flux, good to see you around again. I was wondering what kind of drek you'd gotten yourself into after your bike got impounded a few months ago; glad to see it seems to have worked itself out. I got a job offer for you, but you'll have to see me in the meat. Usual spot, usual time.

Anonymous said...

NURPS for President!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan, squirt, and I do loves me some doughnuts.
Gettin' the bike impounded wasn't so bad, it was wrapping it around the Lone Star squadcar that fragged up my day.

But it was all for the best. Yaks didn't feel like fightin the Star to see who could haul me away and given the choice I was glad to take a ride in that squad car.