Friday, April 21, 2006

Democrats Back Vogel's "One World" Party

In Response to last Thursday's announcement by Republican leadership of that party's complete backing of new candidate retired General Franklin Yeats for the '57 repeat election, the Democratic National Committee has announced today that it will be throwing its weight, and its name behind ecological conservationist lawyer Arthur Vogel's grassroots "One World Party". The new "Democratic 'One World' Party" has officially nominated Vogel as their chosen candidate for President of the United Canadian and American States.
Arthur Vogel is a dwarf from Ontario and, as of yet the only metahuman presidential candidate. One of the first dwarves born as a result of UGE, Vogel is in his early 40s. An expert attorney specializing in ecological causes, he worked his way through law school and has built his career on pulling off difficult and delicate negotiations with powerful corporations. Arthur Vogel first made international headlines during the infamous People vs. Hawkshorne Chemical trial of '49 when he presented the toxin induced tumors on an eight year old girl's face and head as the prosecution's first forty-seven exhibits of evidence. Hawkshorne later settled out of court for an undisclosed amount, rumored to be in the billions of nuyen. And they weren't alone, the Ontario dwarf has an unparallelled record of wins and large settlements against corporations that violate various eco-laws. He is a dynamic speaker, and many people consider him a champion of eco-conciousness.
True to form, Vogel's campaign platform stresses ecological issues and conservation. His One World Party is dedicated to the idea that the UCAS can only be saved if its citizens first heal the Earth, and that people can only make peace with themselves when they make peace with the planet. The democratic party adopted the One World platform and are backing Vogel all the way; they have allowed him to label himself a Democrat to give him recognition and "respectability" plus enough money and exposure to to go from fringe candidtate to full-fledged political player in a Manhattan minute. The DNC is still in negotiations with Vogel regarding a choice of running mate. At this time, it is believed that Eric Travers, last years Democratic nominee, will get the VP nod.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I knew it!

Anonymous said...

Do any of you actually think this guy is going to win? Nevermind the fundamentally racist nature of your average UCAS citizen--not only is he a dwarf but he's Canadian--but he is a one-issue candidate. An issue that most UCAS citizens don't really care about. Sure, a clean environment would be nice, but most Americans are more concerned with, oh I don't know, rampant gang violence a collapsing economy or the fast-fading standing of the UCAS internationally.

Oh, and nevermind that Vogel has made himself a millionionare several times over through his 'altruistic' law suits.

Normally, I find CAS politics to be much more amusing to follow, but sometimes the UCAS pulls out something like this and I'll chuckle all day long.

Anonymous said...

Frag that drek. I ain't votin for no crazy-assed lawyer dwarf from toranto, but I sure as hell ain't takin none of that drek from some stinkin Azzie stooge. I see you in Sea-Town Tezca I'm bustin yo knees up somethin awful.

Then I'm votin for Gen. Yeats. That man'll whip this place into shape.

Anonymous said...

Ever since the Dems incorporated the Greens the whole party's been skirting the farthest of the far-left. Most of the moderates and "sensible" types ended up Technocrats. Of course they were just a bunch of corporate bribe-taking roto-clowns, so screw them. Think on this: the Technocrats want biz as usual, the Republicans want a war, and the Democrats are pushing a guy with a history of standing up to corps and taking a hard-line on an issue. That's attractive these days, after the Techno-wafflers playing corps off each other for goodies all these years. Plus he's meta, and that's gonna get the "equality" voters of all stripes out to the booths. Disenfranchised folk voting for the first time because they finally have a candidate can do scary things at the polls. Plus, who seriously wants another fraggin' war?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but what's his stance on Peru?

Anonymous said...

Frag Peru! They can get their own president!

Anonymous said...

Dwarf = Can't win. Sorry folks, this is the UCAS. White, rich, human males become president. Still, by running, he's showing a whole generation of metahumans that such things may one day be in reach.

Anonymous said...

Ain't nothin ever gonna be in reach of that halfer. Seriously, who wants a prez that can't even see over the podium? What's next, a freakin' trog as veep?

Anonymous said...

You might get your wish, word on the street is that Yeats is courting his long time friend Anne Penchyk as a running mate. The Republican leadership is still arguing about it, but Penchyk is a strong candidate for a million reasons other than being a woman and an ork. She's done great things in Wisconsin, and we're not exactly open minded around here.

Anonymous said...

Great. A chick trog. Remind me not to watch the news during dinner anymore.

Anonymous said...

That Hawkshorne Chemical trial that Vogel headed up was the first nail in that corporation's coffin. They've been getting fragged by eco-groups ever since. Green War and Terra First! have both made them enemy number one since '49. Hard to keep the bottom line from sagging when all of your facilities keep erupting in flames and your managers and scientists keep getting assassinated. They laid off about three hundred people in Seattle last year alone, and their stock will just about buy you a soykaf at the StufferShak.

Anonymous said...

Hey Alamo. Don't forget that you all got your collective hoops soundly whipped by a nation with many highly placed metahumans. What's racism gotten the CAS? Lets see . . . fragged up economy, fragged up government, fragged up military, fragged up society, oh yes, and a false sense of superiority for all the poor uneducated crackers like you.

Anonymous said...

I ain't got proof, but I got hired by the little halfer slot to blow up a ShineyTimeJuice Corp waste treatment plant outside of Cleveland. Those roto-cocks were dumping all kinds of nasty chemicals straight into the local groundwater (makes you wonder what the hell goes into ShinyTimeJuice). Anyway, our pay was based on the number of corpses left at the blasted site. We career-ended over thirty-five people. That's who's running for president.