Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Astounding Overtime Win For the UCAS League!
The New York Jets, behind from the first quarter, pulled off an amazing come-from-behind victory against the Freedom League Champion Richmond Raiders. This clash of the titans was truly a testament to the sheer power of the respective teams' defensive lines, as run after run, and pass after pass ended abruptly in a bone crunching tackle, often with a loss of yards. While the Jets entered the game with the same grudge match mentality displayed by every UCAS league Champion since the splitting of the old NFL, they were unable to completely halt Richmond's progress, letting by first a touchdown, then in the second quarter, a field goal.

Dispite being sacked seven times in the first half, Richmond QB Eric Pruitt unflinchingly stood his ground play after play. His sixty yard touchdown pass to Trochae Philips gave the Raiders their early lead, and his daring run toward the close of the first half was essential in putting Richmond in range for their first field goal. But the relentless pounding by New York's defense, lead by 3.1 meter tall troll Nyama "the African Horror" Okinde made certain that Richmond would score no points in the second half.

By comparison, the Jets seemed to rally. Richmond's special teams star Morris "the Loris" Polaski returned the second half opening kick-off, only to have the surprise star of the UCAS League Championship, Hiram Epstein strip the ball from him and run to the Raider's own five yard line. Of course the resulting tackle removed Epstein from the game (and possibly next season) but his astounding performance gave New York the position they needed to score an unanswered touchdown in the third quarter.

For the rest of the game, the Raiders fell back on their tough and smart defensive line. Smashing the Jets relentlessly while their offense burned as much time as possible throughout the second half. The strategy seemed to be working as neither team managed to make much progress on the field, so punished were they by their adversaries' defense.

By the end of the fourth quarter, Richmond had held New York to their own fifteen yard line. Well out of field goal range, Jets Quarterback Neil Hurst threw a sixty-yard pass to wide reciever Wade Barrett, who ran for another fifteen yards before being tackled. The position gained allowed for a hasty field goal that passed the uprights just as the buzzer sounded.

With the game tied at ten, Richmond recieved the overtime kickoff, but was unable to get within fieldgoal range, their sad attempt from one hundred yards off elicited a collective sigh from the Jacksonville crowd. The Jets however, seemed revitalized. Former star runningback Trevor Lonnelly ran for sixty two yards, deftly evading Richmond's defense in a run characteristic of his performances as a rookie four years ago. The aging athlete seemed untouchable as he pushed himself to the Raider's own thirty-yard line. From there it was a simple matter of kicking the field goal. A surprise indeed from this Jet's team that entered the UCAS League Championship as a wild card, to come to Jacksonville and beat the Freedom League on their own soil. New York coach Vic Marrelles told reporters after the game, "Sherman has marched to the sea a second time".

Friday, May 26, 2006

Major Candidates Settled

The major candidates have announced their running mates and the race for UCAS president is officially in full swing. Some surprising choices have been made on just about all sides of this conflict, with a staggering three metahumans involved in the race for the White House.

Current front runner, Republican General Franklin Yeats, has surprised just about everyone in his party and out by selecting his long time friend Anne Penchyk. Penchyk, who has served two terms as a UCAS representative from Wisconsin, is a successful self-made business woman, a lifetime Republican, and an outspoken advocate for tough action in the Chicago Containment Zone. All of these facts endear her to Republicans the world over, but the fact that she is both a woman and an ork has caused a considerable amount of controversy. At the same time that her selection has pushed some Repbulicans towards the Archconservative party, a fair number of metahumans and those who typically vote for a the most meta-friendly candidate are flocking to Yeats's "Rebuild America" platform. Penchyk, for her own part, is a strong and outspoken woman, feared in the UCAS House for her willfullness and her fearsome oration skills.

One World Democrat Arthur Vogel has made another surprising choice by selecting Gary Grey, a troll eagle shaman, to run as his VP. Grey is a staunch environmentalist who has been active in the Audubon Society and Sierra Incorperated, along with a handful of other environmental preservation groups. His inclusion makes him both the first troll and the first shaman of any kind to enter into a presidential race. Grey is a powerful speaker, capable of wooing a crowd in mere seconds with his deep resonant voice. He's also fiercely patriotic, equating his eagle totem with the symbolic bird of the United Canadian American States. This reverance with which he speaks for both Eagle and the UCAS seems to have strong pull with many voters. The fact that this presidential ticket is made up of the two least populous metahuman types (aside from metavariants) places many metahuman and metahuman sympathy voters behind Vogel's Democratic One World platform, even with some more conservative voters pulling for Yeats and Penchyk. It is unknown at this time if Grey's shamanism will split the small but vocal Awakened vote between the Democrats and the New Century Partry.

ArchConservative candidate Kenneth Brackhaven has selected hard-right Republican William Ager as his running mate. A former corporate resource adjsuter for Fuchi North America's UCAS division, Ager has a reputation for backing strong conservative legislation in the UCAS government. With his rather cutthroat corporate know-how and Brackhaven's business accumen, the ArchCons have created a ticket that has real potential to cut into the legislature and create real change. Ager is a vocal opponent of the current "welfare state", and proposes cutting taxes accross the board by removing "needless and malfuctioning attempts at social engineering" such as the Equality in Education Act, and the Welfare-to-Work Program. Voters are flocking to the Brackhaven/Ager ticket after both candidates have had the will to speak directly to the needs of the vast majority of the UCAS population without caving to the demands for special treatment from fringe minorities.

Professor Rosalyn Hernandez of the New Century Party is powerful initiated mage and reknowned (and often controversial) social scientist from Georgetown University, so her choice of Ramsay McCulkin, famed trid and simsense actor, might seem strange at first. McCulkin was one of the first screen/trid actors to really make the transition to sim in the early days of that medium. Known for giving "good X" (excellent emotive track), McCulkin has starred in such memorable sims as Friday the 13th: Feel the Terror, Life of the Hero, A Soldier's Tears, and Who's in Charge Here? As such, many UCASers feel that they not only know McCulkin, but that they've been him. Putting the mundane face on the NCP's platform of utilizing magic and technology to unlock the untapped promise of the Awakening, McCulkin has already announced plans to record his life on the campaign trail through his implanted simrig, and distribute the sim on the campaign matrix host. "We're the only party really trying to change things for the better," McCulkin told NEWSFAX. "I'm hoping the sim recordings help people understand what we're about, and what we can do to change the future for the better".

Former Vice President James Booth has selected Brandon Ekimatsu, a corporate golden boy from Mitsuhama Computer Technologies. A staunch technocrat, Ekimatsu is a political moderate focused almost exclusively on any legislation that benefits the economy. Though many accuse Ekimatsu of only pushing legislation that benefits corporations, Ekimatsu refuses to defend himself against such claims, stating repeatedly that "these corporations are not the enemy of government, they are not the enemy of the UCAS people. It is on the backs of these very corporations that our economy balances. Why is it that we should not attempt to aid them in aiding our economy? Has the UCAS become so jaded against a hard day's work that we wish to destroy the largest employers of our own citizens?".

With the race all but settled for these parties, the true campaigning is now underway. While Yeats leads the preliminary polls, there can really be no determining this early in such an unconventional and short election. The future of the UCAS is for the first time in a long time, truly up in the air.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

"Karl Kombatmage 2" Ignites Summer Season

The entertainment world is buzzing with the release of the trailer for "Karl Kombatmage 2". This sequel to the breakthrough blockbuster of two years ago is hailed by insiders as surpassing the amazement of the original.

Four years ago, New Bavarian SimSinn Studios took a chance on an unknown filmmaker named Hans Cliber, who came to NBSS lead producer Jan Marx with a remarkable proposal: installing a simrig into a mage. Marx saw the potential and together they took the plunge, creating the most innovative simsense production the world had ever seen.

"Never before had the sim viewer been able to feel what it's like being magically active," said Cliber, who wrote and starred in "Karl Kombatmage," and who will be returning to the role this summer. "I always thought that it was a shame that although you could become a spy, or a street sam, or a famous polititian, you could never really feel what I think is the best feeling in the world, which I think is bending the mana to your will to cast a spell. So I thought, 'why not make a sim myself'?"

The original grossed over $200 billion nuyen worldwide, beating out such hits as "Against the Hivemasters" and NBSS's own "Drehen, Nicht D
rücken". Overnight, Karl Kombatmage became the epitome of cool for teens (and more than one adult) the world over. Merchandising tie-ins also broke records for sales, with even the previously outdated "action figure" making a huge comeback. "Kombatmage" games have been released on every major gaming system, along with a multiplayer Matrix game with millions of players jacking in each day.

This success has not come without a cost for Hans Cliber. "Everyone said I was insane to have a simrig installed. Of course it has made magic a little bit harder. But I knew it was worth the sacrifice in order to make such an amazing sim, and to let everyone feel a little bit of what magic can be."

This summer, audiences around the world will get a second taste of magic. The poly-POV action sim promises more spells, more motorcycles, more gunfights, and of course, the infamous dragon. When asked if he had
really gotten a dragon to star in "KK2", Cliber just smiled slyly. "Well, I suppose you will have to see my film to find out."

Monday, April 24, 2006

Bellingham to Host NAN Economic Council

The Sovereign Tribal Council announced today that the Salish-Sidhe capitol has been selected as the site for the 2057 Summit for Economic Affairs. This summit, held every five years, will discuss trade and economic laws between the Native American Nations, as well as international economic policy.

The big issue this year is shaping up to be agriculture, with nearly all of the nations having one thing or another to say about the subject. Perhaps the most controversial topic is the imminent unveiling of Wind River Corporation's Shoshoni Hydroponics Farm, slated to open in June of this year. This 20,000 square kilometer facility is built entirely underground, making it the largest underground complex in the world.

"The Shoshoni Hydroponics Farm will be a paradigm shift in the way the NAN is fed," states Wind River CEO Ron Mull. "Since our complex will be climate-controlled, we will be able to produce up to ten harvests annually, as well as growing crops as diverse as pineapples and winter wheat, all in a germ- and pest-free environment. All the NAN will be able to enjoy fresh, natural food, free of chemicals, and at affordable prices."

Not everyone is happy with this development, however. "The introduction of undergroud farming is a rash experiment at best," argues Sheila Doxawnee of the Algonkian-Manitou Agricultural Bureau. "Wind River has been highly reluctant to let any Council observers into their facility to verify their claims of safety and ecological responsibility. Moreover, they have released no studies to prove that crops grown without sunlight are as nutritious as traditionally-grown crops. I feel that allowing Wind River to continue without any Council oversight is a mistake we can't afford to make."

Just as controversial is the issue of water rights. The Ute Nation is already making somewhat hostile overtures to the Pueblo Corporate Council's proposal to buy rights to another five million gallons per year, to be diverted from the Colorado River. The PCC leadership maintains that these rights are vital to keep up with the growing population center of Phoenix. The Ute, however, are unwilling to divert such a large amount from their agricultural industries, as well as the lucrative tourist trade of Las Vegas.

Surprisingly, the Trans-Polar Aleut nation, which rarely makes waves during NAN political councils, is putting forth a greivance against the Athabaskan Council for what TPA representative Mary Two Bears calls "criminally negligent border security." Two Bears's claim revolves largely around the illegal transporting of controlled sugar products to the TPA nation, which many claim to come mostly through the mountain ranges of Athabaska. The Athabaskan Council has not yet made any public rebuttal to Two Bears's accusation.

The Summit on Economic Affairs is slated to be held from March 3rd through the 14th at the Bellingham Convention Center. It remains to be seen whether the UCAS's request to have a delegate present will be approved.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Democrats Back Vogel's "One World" Party

In Response to last Thursday's announcement by Republican leadership of that party's complete backing of new candidate retired General Franklin Yeats for the '57 repeat election, the Democratic National Committee has announced today that it will be throwing its weight, and its name behind ecological conservationist lawyer Arthur Vogel's grassroots "One World Party". The new "Democratic 'One World' Party" has officially nominated Vogel as their chosen candidate for President of the United Canadian and American States.
Arthur Vogel is a dwarf from Ontario and, as of yet the only metahuman presidential candidate. One of the first dwarves born as a result of UGE, Vogel is in his early 40s. An expert attorney specializing in ecological causes, he worked his way through law school and has built his career on pulling off difficult and delicate negotiations with powerful corporations. Arthur Vogel first made international headlines during the infamous People vs. Hawkshorne Chemical trial of '49 when he presented the toxin induced tumors on an eight year old girl's face and head as the prosecution's first forty-seven exhibits of evidence. Hawkshorne later settled out of court for an undisclosed amount, rumored to be in the billions of nuyen. And they weren't alone, the Ontario dwarf has an unparallelled record of wins and large settlements against corporations that violate various eco-laws. He is a dynamic speaker, and many people consider him a champion of eco-conciousness.
True to form, Vogel's campaign platform stresses ecological issues and conservation. His One World Party is dedicated to the idea that the UCAS can only be saved if its citizens first heal the Earth, and that people can only make peace with themselves when they make peace with the planet. The democratic party adopted the One World platform and are backing Vogel all the way; they have allowed him to label himself a Democrat to give him recognition and "respectability" plus enough money and exposure to to go from fringe candidtate to full-fledged political player in a Manhattan minute. The DNC is still in negotiations with Vogel regarding a choice of running mate. At this time, it is believed that Eric Travers, last years Democratic nominee, will get the VP nod.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Jets Soar Over Vikings 30-27

It's official, the New York Jets are the 56-57 UCAS League champions. Coming on strong from the beginning, New York seemed to own the first half of the game. From Hiram Epstien's fantastic touchdown return from the opening kickoff to the excellent capitialization on the score of turnovers in the second quarter, the Jet's seemed to walk all over the Vikings. Despite an impressive fourth quarter rally, Minnesota failed to catch up to the Jets' powerful start.
Minnesota's star runningback, Katrina Holden, distinguished herself as usual. From recovering her own team's fumble and running 120 yards for a touchdown to punching straight through New Yorks formidable defensive line to score Minnesota's final seven points, the 5'7" Holden seemed to be personally carrying Vikings through much of the second half. "We didn't lose because I'm a woman" she told ASN reporters "we lost 'cause the rest of my team isn't". Of course many point to Alan Aekers, Minnesota's second string quarterback as the reason for the many turnovers and poor planning. It's an open secret that Aekers, unlike injured QB Alan Corman, dislikes Holden and fails to utilize Minnesota's best offensive asset. As Coreman's allergy to his recently installed bone-lacing is due to keep him down for next season as well, it is unknown at this point what the Viking's managment will do about the situation.
The UCAS champion Jets will now go on to face the Freedom League champion Richmond Generals in the Superbowl in Jacksonville CAS on the 24th.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Republicans back Yeats

In response to pro-tem president Pritchard's announcement of the shortened election run, the Republican National Comittee called an emergency meeting yesterday to decide whether or not to back last year's presidential candidate Governor Alan Tate of Minnesota for this year's repeat election. Speculation ran high as the Republican party leadership cloistered itself away from prying eyes in order to render their decision. Some believed that Governor Tate would once again recieve the nomination and a second chance to run. Other's believed that pro-tem president Betty Jo Pritchard, the speaker for the house (R-Ont) now sitting in the oval office, would be pushed forward as the Republican nominee due to her no-nonsense attitude and demonstrations of ability shown during her time as pro-tem president.
After Tate's "hard question" foible during last year's election campaign, the it appeared that the Technocrats were able to waltz their way to an easy win. Thought the election proved to be rigged, many Republicans expressed extreme doubt in Tate's ability to recover from that particular mishap even during this second election.
Pro-tem President Pritchard on the other hand, seems to have her hands full with the office thrust upon her, and the ongoing effect that the impeachment process has had on an already unruly congress. When asked if she would pursue the 2057 ticket, President Pritchard had this to say:
"I have never run for President, I have never had any intention of running for President. What I do now, I do because it's my job as Speaker. If the party leadership wants to nominate me... Well, we'll see."
Of course all of the speculation wrapped up at around 12:45 when the Republican party leadership held a press conference in Washington FDC. In a bold move, they announced thier full backing of retired UCAS Army General Franklin Yeats. A career soldier, and former member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Yeats has historically been a vocal proponent of ending the decades long series of military cutbacks initiated by congress. In stark contrast to the public's perception of Governor Tate as a man afraid of decisions, Yeats has already come across as a strong steady voice for the Republican party. At his acceptance of the nomination, Yeats had this to say:
"If we want the United Canadian and American States to survive, we have to elect leaders who care about something beyond their own personal ambitions. We have to elect leaders who love this country, who want to see it strong again, and who aren't afraid to make personal sacrifieces to serve the nation's good. I love this country, and I am willing to shoulder the burden of leading it down the difficult road to renewal."
While that statement can be seen as directed towards the Chicago containment zone, many fear a more dire meaning behind his words. His nomination has many believing that the Republicans have chosen to fully support a reformationist agenda. Politicos in the CAS, CalFree, and the NAN (especially the Sioux Nation) are already decrying Yeats as a warmonger. While he has made no official statements regarding the forced reconcilliation with former members of the old United States since the nomination, he has been vocal about reformation in the past As of yet, General Yeats has not picked a running mate.